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Hair Loss Ailment

Hair Care Aromatherapy Remedy

Essential Oil Treatments for Hair Loss

Hair loss affects both men and women. Causes of hair loss among women can be due to their body’s reaction to male bodily hormones, particularly the testosterone conversion to DHT (dihydrotesterone). Nonetheless, even with female baldness later in life, estrogen ensures the effects aren’t as severe as in men. Stress and alopecia areata among others are also causes of hair loss.

Due to essential oils ability to have the scalp blood vessels stimulated, hair growth is triggered. Through the stimulation blood flow increases, carrying the needed nutrients required within the follicles. Essentials oils to deal with hair loss include: Atlas Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Juniper Berry, Rosemary and Lavender-High Altitude.

Application Usages

Hair Conditioner Oil

This hair conditioner recipe is perfect for dry hair:

1 tablespoon Jojoba or other carrier oil
3 drops of Rosemary (or other hair care essential oil)

Directions: Mix the Rosemary and Jojoba oil in a small bowl. Apply warm water to your hair and scalp and then apply the conditioner. Let the conditioner oil rest on your hair for approximately 15-30 minutes then wash away the conditioner with water.

Topical Application

Select your preferred essential oils for hair loss and add 5 drops to every 10mls of carrier oil (coconut, jojoba and sweet almond oils are good options), and mix together well. Apply a small portion of the blend evenly onto both of your hands, work it into your scalp and not on your hair. With small circular motions, gently apply mixture all over your scalp. Avoid using any intense pressure when applying the mixture as the friction can damage hair roots.

If possible, keep mixture on your scalp as long as possible. If convenient, you can leave it overnight and the shampoo it out the next morning. To boost hair treatment, you can add your essential oils (5 drops) to a shampoo, conditioner or carrier lotion which is specifically formulated to work as an aromatherapy carrier.

Scented Hair

Take 2 drops of your preferred essential oils for hair care and mix it with a carrier oil of your choosing (jojoba oil is a good option). Apply the mixture to the bristles of your hairbrush/comb and brush hair.